Looking For Pet Cancer Advice?
‘Providing veterinarians pet cancer advice & support’
It is a challenging time for veterinarians and pet owners when a pet has cancer. Many pet owners are emotionally overwhelmed and seek information regarding their pet’s cancer biologic behaviour, prognosis and available treatment options. Also, some pet owners do not readily have access to a Veterinary Oncologist (Animal Cancer Specialist).
I am a Veterinary Oncologist that provides an ‘Online Pet Cancer Consultancy Service’ to help veterinarians worldwide treat all species of animals with cancer. I communicate directly with veterinarians to offer the best possible cancer care & recommendations for pets with cancer. ‘Click here’ for further information.
Due to legal reasons, I cannot provide online advice to pet owners directly. However, I have tried to help in other ways by providing on my website educational materials, a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page on cancer in pets and a ‘useful pet cancer links’ page.
I am also incredibly passionate about educating vets and vet students. Please ‘click here’ for further information.
Cancer can be a debilitating and stressful time for pets and their owners. My top priority is providing the best possible evidence- and compassion-based recommendations for pets with cancer, to provide the best possible patient care and support for families of pets with cancer. I have a strong interest in findings ways to improve remission and survival for pets with cancer while striving to maintain the highest quality of life for each pet.
There is nothing more than I like than educating and helping veterinarians treat pets with cancer. For further information, please visit my website or please do not hesitate to get in touch by email.
Website: www.thepetoncologist.com
Email: info@thepetoncologist.com